Monday, July 1, 2019

Common Wood Sorrel

I found this delicate beauty in the Middle Grove State Forest.  It is called Common Wood Sorrel and is found in mature forests.  The plants I saw were just a few steps away from a lovely stream that meanders through the forest.
More information can be found here.  

Monday, April 22, 2019

A new year, new start

I seriously neglected this blog last year, so I'm hoping to start over! Spring has finally sprung here in Upstate NY.  A nature walk at Coldbrook Preserve in Saratoga County was an opportunity to see what is starting to grow.  

Skunk cabbage has made it's appearance.  The flower can be seen at the base of the plant.  It is enclosed inside the structure known as a spathe.  Bears will eat the young shoots of skunk cabbage when they emerge from hibernation.

 Trillium plants are now emerging.  Purple is the most common color to be found, however there are a few other species native to our state.  
Cinnamon ferns are starting to poke their heads up.  These are a very common fern.  These are not the fiddlehead ferns that are considered a delicacy.  

This is the emergence of a Cutleaf Toothwort.  I have never noticed these before and look forward to coming back to photograph the flowers.

It always amazes me how nature finds it's way despite obstacles in it's path.  The roots of this tree have grown up and around the roots of the fallen tree beneath it.  
Cole brook meandered it's way through the woods in a rather haphazard fashion.  The area near it is home to the rare Blanding's Turtle.  I did not see any, but clicking the blue word above will lead to a page with information.

At home, I have been enjoying a wide variety of birds including a small flock of Fox sparrows earlier in April and a stop over by a Pine Warbler.  Purple finches have recently arrived as well.